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Nourish Your Body And Soul And Live A Full Life, Free From Diets.

Weight Inclusive Nutrition Counselling on the Sunshine Coast.

Nourish Your Body And Soul And Live A Full Life, Free From Diets.

Weight Inclusive Nutrition Counselling on the Sunshine Coast.

Tired, Overwhelmed About Food And Unsure What To Do Next?

Rather than making eating easy, the way we’ve been taught to think about food, bodies and health has left us more confused, anxious and scared.

If this is your experience too, know that it isn’t your fault. Diet Culture has done a number on us all.


If you have been struggling with yo-yo dieting, bingeing and restriction, and concern about your weight and shape, know that you can take a new direction with food.

So you can look back on your life knowing it was one well-lived, rather than one spent fighting food and hating the only body you’ll ever inhabit.

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Welcome To Sunny Nutrition And Dietetics

A non-judgemental and comfortable space for humans in all bodies to explore their relationship with food, body and health. I support people with:


Reconnect with your body and find peace with food.

Body Image Healing

Find acceptance for your body and reject body oppression.

Eating Disorder Recovery

Grow and enjoy your life without food and weight concerns.

Digestive Concerns

Get to the bottom of your symptoms and enjoy eating again.

Hi, I'm Ged

I was once scared, overwhelmed about food and unsure what to do next too...

At the height of my disordered eating I returned to University to train as a Dietitian. It was listening to guest lectures on Health at Every Size and eating disorders that began my journey of exploration and healing and crystalised exactly what I wanted to do when I qualified…


…I wanted to help other women like me to reclaim their lives, improve their relationship with food and live in peace with their body.


Now, I wake up everyday with a passion to help women reconnect with their bodies, and a commitment to work towards removing weight stigma from all healthcare provision.


Headshot of Geraldine Taggart-Jeewa
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How I Can Help

1:1 Nutrition Counselling

With a weight inclusive approach i can help you:

Dietitian Supervision

I hold a non-judgemental space for you to:

Are you a provider? Here’s everything you need to know to refer a client.

Latest From The Sunny Blog

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I’m Here To Support You To Take The Next Step

Break free from Diet Culture and develop a positive relationship with food, mind and body.

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